Siren Head Strikes Again


It has been a long time since people heard about sirens. Everyone thought they had left these places and sighed with relief thinking they were safe now. But it turned out the monsters hadn’t leave, they were just lying low. Now they are back into the game and it’s time to shudder in fear because they returned even more dangerous than they used to be… Siren Head Strikes Again offers yet another spin of the famous horror story that will send shivers down your spine as you are trying to get away from this cunning and persistent enemy…

The gameplay hasn’t intrinsically changed. Just like before, everything is shown from the first-person perspective which adds more realism and thrill to the game. You need to control your character on the map choosing the direction in which he will be going and performing certain actions. You can switch from walking to running, jump and duck. There is also an option to interact with different objects. On the radar, you can see where you are heading and whether there are any monster nearby.

The main thing when you’re dealing with sirens is not to let them come too close. Otherwise you’ll enter the range of their sound waves that can be really dangerous and even lethal. If you stay far away enough from them, they shouldn’t be a threat to you. But make sure they don’t sneak up on you from behind because then you won’t have time to react and your life will be under threat. Of course, if you have no choice but to confront a monster directly, you can always use a gun. Keep an eye on your health meter to avoid critical damage that can eventually kill you. Good luck in this new riveting horror adventure!

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