Siren Head


There are all kinds of monsters in this world. Some of them have terrifying fangs and long claws, some scare you with their pale-white faces and ghostly look, some may have quite an innocent appearance that makes them even spookier. But none of them can be compared to sirens. These ugly beings live in the woods and you’d better stay away from them, or you have very little chances of getting out alive!

So how does a siren look? It is a tall, skeletal humanoid creature, almost similar to Slender Man, severely emaciated and covered in rusty-colored mummified flesh. The head and neck are made up of a thin pillar of flesh with two speakers attached to them and several black wires wriggling around. It moves rather slowly, but is very aggressive and emits various radio sounds and broadcasts. Are you ready to step up against a creature like that? If so, welcome to Siren Head!

In this thrilling and creepy game, you start in an enclosed area of a pixelated park to find the missing traveler. The controls are just W, A, S and D to move, right click to check, and Shift to run. You play in first person and only use a flashlight. The goal is to inspect the evidence and explore the area. At the same time, you have to keep your eyes peeled and beware of the monsters roaming nearby. If they catch you, you’re as good as dead!

Luckily, you can always say a siren is approaching because of the sounds it makes. On hearing them, you need to look for a place to hide and lie low. Don’t be too reckless because the siren will track you down and kill you. You can scare it off for a while with your flashlight, but note that the batteries are running out, so you have to use them sparingly. Otherwise you risk ending up in complete darkness and then you won’t see where to go and will be defenseless against your enemy.

With a simple and straightforward path in front of you, the game is short and quick to end. It also feels more like an interactive story than a real game. However, the ambiance and sound effects actually make for an enjoyable horrible experience. The sky slowly darkens as you progress and the sounds produced by the sirens can scare any player, despite the fact that this adventure is easy to complete. Enjoy the thrilling atmosphere of Siren Head, see if you can find out what happened to the missing traveler and make sure not to end up in the clutches of the dangerous monsters!

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